Dfuse Technologies, Inc. prides itself on its strigent Quality Control processes and procedures. Each project that DTI undertakes goes through a very comprehensive Quality Assurance Program.
In order to ensure quality of services and compliance, the Team will use an established set of standards and processes with which all team members agree to conform. The principles of these two important elements are established first in the subcontracting agreements, and, finally, in the QC Plan. Our standard TO management processes and risk mitigation strategies will be used to measure subcontractor performance. In addition, DTI will survey the team members on a semi-annual basis to determine the team’s performance and to invite recommendations to improve the in-place organizational structure and management processes. This will be supported by our in-place Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Particularly on Seaprot-e Task Orders, our Team will evolve a full time Quality Management (QC Manager) position that reports directly to the Program Manager, is provided on a no direct cost basis and will be responsible for monitoring the quality of performance by the staff and coordinating the establishment and collection of work metrics. DTI will also have regional Business Development Managers in our offices in each of the 7 zones. Each Task Order (TO) will be managed by a Project Manager and like all Zonal Business Development Managers, all TO Project Managers will report to the Program Manager. Further, multiple TOs will be managed by individual TO Project Managers, yet the Program Manager will be conversant with each Project at all times. This clearly integrates communication, as well as the services delivery.
We will aim to build a good working relationship with the NAVSEA personnel. Communication, both formal and informal, with the designated Government Project Managers and Contracting Officers will be continually established. Regular status reports and status meetings will be conducted with the aim of identifying and resolving all issues in a timely manner. Our QC Manager and Contract Specialist will support the program without any cost to the Government. The QC Manager will use our TPM system to monitor and continually conduct internal Quality Audits on various TO teams. A detailed QC Plan will be drawn before the start of the project and will be continually adhered to. We will integrate the proposed quality assurance (QA) function with day-to-day quality control (QC).
Our PMO will house a full-time QC Manager at no cost to the Government. The QC Manager along with other technical specialists (included on a TO requirement basis) will constitute a Quality Control Team (QCT). The QCT will continually monitor the performance against the Acceptance Criteria, conduct internal audits continually, identify the root causes of variances from the Acceptance Criteria and work with the concerned TO team members to eradicate them. As most of the TOs on the Seaport-e contracts will be Performance Based, we will use our above detailed, and proven EVM system (that in turn uses our TPM, detailed earlier in this section) to monitor and maximize quality.